We had a wonderful Father's Day! The weather was perfect. We were able to go to Stake Conference last night for the adult session and then again today. It was seriously AMAZING. I loved the talks and it always feels so nice to be spiritually uplifted. I think I am extra emotional these days knowing that my sister is leaving for 5-7 years too. I have not cried in a long time to say the least. My eyes enjoyed the cleanse. :) This morning I woke up early and made Bryan's request of steel cut oatmeal with almonds and raisins stewed in butter & cinnamon. The girls gave him the gifts they made him at school. We also colored cheesy mugs for him just for the memory. They turned out awful and my chair now has permanent marker on it but the girls had a great time making them. And sometimes that is all that matters. I got Bryan some new clothes since none of his fit! He's down 40 pounds and looks and feels great! Baby August woke up and I put a See's sugar free candy bar in her hand to give him. It was cute. We had a yummy BBQ and played at the park. We adore our daddy and think he's the best! He is always having fun with us. We heard a quote at conference this weekend that said "The family that plays together stays together". We certainly like to do this and Bryan plays a big part in our always fun adventures. He is such a good father and is so supportive by always helping with the kids. This week I am leaving them for the first time ever for a few days. And I can sleep great while I am away knowing that they are in the best hands. Their daddy is the man! He's my man! Love you Bry! Thanks for putting up with me and being the father of my children!
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