We have been together for 2 years now. I do love you and think you are amazingly adorable! However- you irritate me lately. I am over sharing a bed with you. I am sick of the constant barking when the door gets a knock or bell gets a ring. Or when someone comes in the house. I understand when you act like you are going to nip at Berkley. She deserves it! But poor little August doesn't do anything and sometimes you do it to her as well. In recent times... I find you super annoying when you throw up and pee on my carpet. It's just wrong and I have no tolerance for it anymore. You are a poodle. Your breed is supposed to be one of the smartest. Please start to show it soon. I don't want to part with you. I secretly love that you follow me around all day and night. I love that you keep me warm on a cold winter's night. And I love to look at your cute face when I'm down. It makes me smile. Oh gordy... shape up. I don't want to call you a naughty dog anymore.
Your owner and friend, Summer