I have been on a spiritual high for the past two days. David came to do a combined stake fireside for the youth and it was amazing! It was last minute. And yet despite how little time we had to put it together, it was beyond organized and controlled. It amazes me how perfect everything can fall together with the church. I want to document this since it is my journal. I never want to forget how I felt, how David felt and everyone in the congregation that was there listening.
David called me last week to say he was in town and wondered if I wanted to go to the Temple with him. I told him yes and then asked what his plans were for the week and if he would be in town sunday. My Stake President had asked me several times in the past if I would ask him to do a fireside and I never felt right about it. Until now. When I asked him he said that he may be able to but didn't know his recording schedule yet. The following day he called me and said he would be in the studio late that night and it would not work out. Then, on saturday afternoon he called and said that his schedule had cleared up and he would love to come talk and sing to our youth.
Saturday night was spent making LOTS of phone calls and even meeting with the Stake Presidents of neighboring stakes. Plans were made and we discussed how we would tell the young men and women. We needed them to know that this was a spiritual fireside and not a free concert. We were worried that people would show up with cameras and cell phones trying to record something sacred and special. We were also worried that there would be thousands of people there and it would be hard to control. I knew that all of these things I worried about would make David feel uncomfortable. He is a simple and shy guy. He had wanted a more intimate setting but also realized that kids these days are viral and word gets around quick.
Saturday night I did not sleep. I couldn't. I was worried. Thinking about the worst possible situations and how we would handle it. Would people clap in the chapel after he sang? Because they shouldn't. The chapel is a place of reverence. Sunday was worse when I heard that it was announced in one ward to pretty much bring anyone and everyone. Not that I didn't want that. I thought that it was a GREAT opportunity for people who are not LDS to come and feel the spirit and see what our church is about. I just pictured people coming for the wrong reasons.
On sunday I met with my Stake President again and many Stake leaders who would be involved in helping the fireside run smoothly. I think President Davis saw my nervous self and offered to give me a blessing of peace. It was SO spiritual and wonderful and was exactly what I needed to hear. I was in tears by the end of it and knew I was meant to have that. It touched on more than my nerves about this fireside. It touched on things I worry about daily and other specific things I have been praying about. A real testimony to me that prayers are answered and that Heavenly Father is aware of each and every one of us!
There ended up being about 850-900 people there. A perfect amount. Not too big and not too small. It was exactly how I had pictured it would be. David did awesome. He spoke from the heart and it was felt by everyone. Some things I want to remember him talking about were:
* When he talked about his older sister and broke down crying. He said that she struggles with her self esteem as most teenage girls do and that she didn't ever need to feel that way because she was a Daughter of God. And he loved her. He then proceeded to tell the girls in the audience that they are all Daughters of God and are of great worth.
* He told about his American Idol experience and how it ALL happened because he got down on his knees and asked what he should do. He received an answer that he was to try out for the show. A year later he has been an example to many, touched many people's lives and has even converted people to the Gospel. I know why his prayer was answered the way it was.
* He told about his scripture study and how he loves the story of Moses parting the red sea and how God was aware of Moses just as he is his children today.
* He talked about ups and downs in our lives and how when we are up we don't feel like we need God and we have to have down moments and times to make us realize that we DO need Him to get through our trials.
* He sang "Be still my soul", "How great thou art" and "The Spirit of God". After he sang there was complete silence. You could have heard a pin drop if there had been one.
That night I sat on the stand as I watched my sweet little friend tell his testimony to many people who needed to hear it (including myself). I looked out into the congregation and saw many tears and many smiles. It was a night I hope to NEVER forget.
After he finished speaking he wanted to shake every youth's hand. He felt like he wanted to have that connection with them. People waited in a long line. I stood by him and watched people look him in the eye and thank him for his example. They thanked him for his testimony and for the strong spirit they felt in the room that night.
Earlier in the evening a 19 year old boy was walking by the chapel and wondered what was going on. Someone saw him and invited him in. He only spoke Spanish. A man from my ward sat next to him and translated the entire fireside. This 19 year old boy had been walking by for a few weeks wanting to come into the church. He thought he would try to come to a service at night. We don't have services at night. But that night we did. He left wanting to take the discussions. I can only imagine how many more stories are out there like this...
Monday morning I had a photo shoot with David. As we drove to LA, it was neat to talk about the previous night and hear his point of view. He talked about how much he enjoyed the evening. He said he loved to see people's faces change by the end of the night. And how he could see the spirit they felt. A memory I will never forget was when August was crying in the back seat. He started singing to her and she instantly stopped. I saw him stare at her and excitingly say "She is smiling at me". Even August felt this neat kid's spirit. And I even think David felt hers as a innocent little Child of God. Fresh from Heaven. A very tender moment for me. At the photo shoot David wanted to hold my sweet baby. He asked the photographer to take a picture. The above picture of this post is that picture. I will treasure it always.
I have realized that I was put into my position for a reason. That David and I met not by coincidence. And I have a testimony that God makes small miracles happen every day if you are living right and are looking for them.
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