Poor Health Care...

I blogged in December how my grandpa fell down while at a family play in LA and broke his hip. He received a surgery where they placed pins in his hips and he was moved to a nursing facility where he was the do therapy and get himself strong. We are all disappointed and shocked at how neglected he was there.
My grandpa kept complaining (and he is a fighter) that he did not feel well and that it was hard for him to do his exercises each day. He complained that his knee was starting to hurt. He was losing color and not wanting to eat very much. My grandma had some concerns and talked to the nurses where they would say "he's fine". They pretty much just fed him three meals a day and took his vitals every now and then. He was not even up to date with the amounts of therapy he was supposed to have.
On sunday, my dad went in and could see he looked weak and unhealthy. He scooped up Grandpa and put him in the car and took him to the Emergency room (something my grandma has requested already and the nursing home had not done). There, they were able to look at his body and see that there was bruising and blood settled all around. They ran some tests and found that his hip had a crack in it and he was internally bleeding. 2 more pints of blood loss and he would not have made it. His blood count was SO low and he had to receive a blood transfusion.
This afternoon, grandpa will go in for another surgery where they will put in a hip replacement. It really bums me out that he had to take a HUGE step backwards and that it possibly could have been prevented had he been given proper care. I don't even want to know what happens to the people in the nursing facility that don't have relatives around looking out for them. Let this be our lesson to go with our gut instincts if we feel like our loved ones or ourselves are not getting proper attention in a health situation.
I am grateful he is OK and that this was caught in time. I hope this hip will be better for him and that he can recover quickly and with out pain this time.
We said a prayer for gramps last night. glad you posted whats been going on because we never get the full story. So sad I didn't even know 1/2 of that!! We are going to see Grams and Gramps on Monday!
Scummy -- Everyone needs a health advocate....someone that screams until things are done. I was that for my mom, and I am sure that is one of the reasons we got answers as soon as we did. And on Oprah just yesterday, Dr. Oz said the same thing....everyone needs a health advocate. I called Debra Bledsoe right after I saw that and invited her to be mine. Maybe I should have called Mr. Patrick Thein!
I am just disgusted. I cringe whenever I watch those undercover shows where they go into nursing homes. It's just so sad. Good thing you guys are on top of it.
BTW What the heck is that video playing on your sidebar? LOL!
i can't handle this....go dana face you take care of business!!!!!!!
i have heard horror stories about nursing homes! good thing that your grandpa has family around to take care of him..i sure hope he gets better...and your right..it's so important to follow your instincts when it comes to taking care of your loved ones!
Its Unbelieveable! Thank goodness that our family is close and were keeping a good eye on him. Ot makes me feel so sad too for people with no fam to watch out for them. I cant believe the nurse kept brushing everyone off saying that he was ok and that in all this time he has been there he has only had physical therapy a few times.. it makes me so mad. We are praying so so much for his full recovery. Glad you made this post :) We love Gramps!
I hope that everything gets better now!! I have been wondering where your grandma has been. I haven't seen her at the bank in a LONG time. If you see her, tell her hello for me and that they are in my prayers.
This freaks me out. I have an uncle in a care home and he had to be moved out of the last one he was in since they were basically allowing him to rot from the inside out. I'm starting to get nervous too since my mom is going to have her hip replaced in February. I am scared to death! I am glad he is OK. That is so scary!
That is sooo crappy! How sad for your Grandpa, I really don't think you can really trust those nursing homes! I'm so glad your dad took him to the emergency room! I hope his next surgery goes okay!!
Oh my gosh summer. THat is so scary and sad. I really feel for you and your family. My mother is entering a type of assisted living facility this month...due to memory loss issues. I so hope that the Lord will watch over her and that we as relatives will demand good care. I am sooo sorry that had to your grandpa! Your Dad was so amazing to follow his prompting! all my luv- stacy
Summer, I am so sorry about your grandpa. That is really sad. Aaron runs a nursing home out here- but he knows about several facilities throughout southern CA. He would be happy to do a little research and recommend a good one for your guys. There are A LOT of bad nursing homes out there, but there are also many good ones- that have caring nurses and staff that give excellent care. Email me if you want me to to talk to Aaron about it. He'd be happy to help!
OH MAN! That is heart breaking. Your poor Grandpa. I am so glad that things got sorted out and he is hopefully on the mend for good. HE looks like such a sweet, awesome grandpa.
Sadly, I am not surprised. WHen I took Gerentology, they warned us about these types of situations. It is rare to find a good elderly care fascility. Stay away from places called for "comfort Care". That is just another name for letting them die. I am so glad your dad went with his insticts. My heart goes out to your family with prayers. I pray you will all have discernment on the best place for him, its so hard to know where. My family recently went through a similar situation with my grandma and we were successful in finding a perfect place for her. Keep us posted on how he is doing.
That is so terrible! Those nursing homes can be so good on one hand and so bad on another. I'm so glad that your dad was there and able to take him to the hospital. Hope he gets better soon.
Summer, that makes me sick to my stomach. How sad for your grandpa. I hope he gets better! So good that your family was able to be around to get him the help he needed.
SO sad!! I totally believe that healthcare HAS to be taken into your own hands ALWAYS! It's so sad, but no one can sit back and expect they will always do what's best! THANK heavens your grandpa has his family to be advocates for him! We have expeirenced this in our family too!
Dude- tell me about it. I hope your grandpa's doing alright now!
You have to be your own advocate. Marc's bio dad Scott would have probably still be here if it wasn't for the hospital sending him home without out properly diagnosing him and don't even get me started about my brother Tyler. Sorry your feeling sick.
Oh Summer, this is exactly why Mark and I started our little homecare business! While there are good places and bad, everyone prefers to be at home where they are comfortable with quality one-on-one care. We have several of our clients that come out of these facilities and use our caregivers once they are home and I've gone to visit them before they are discharged and seriously got back in my car and cried... Your poor Grandpa!! I'm so sorry. Let us know if he needs any care at home... we are happy to help.
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