I can't believe that 5 years ago today, this little girl made me a mother. Every minute of her has been complete joy and I adore her more than she will ever know! It makes me sad when I realize how fast the time went by but I look forward to many more special moments with Haven in the future!

Bryan was nice enough to wrap Haven's gifts last night when I wasn't feeling good. With the left over wrapping... he got creative and made this on the door.

The first thing she wanted when she woke up was lipgloss, a necklace, her hair curled and to wear my shoes.

She opened a new dress for her Birthday that she wore proudly to school. It was so gaggy but I knew she would love it. Thank you $3.74 price tag at Target. Here she is showing us her age today.

Bryan came home from work early and took her to Disneyland for a couple hours.

Since we already have annual passes and they are doing the "get in free on your birthday" deal for 2009... they gave Haven a gift card for $60 (the price of a ticket) to use on merchandise. She and Bryan had fun picking some things out as you can see from their bags.

She opened a few more gifts at Ruby's for dinner.

And had a great overall day!

I have a feeling we will be seeing this dress a lot over the next year. Thanks Disneyland for Haven's new Snow White dress!

Sounds like a fun day for Haven. She is so beautiful, Sum. It's sad and fun to watch your kids get bigger. I can't wait for you to have a new little one. Your girls will be great with a new baby.
What a great day! Loved this post. I can't believe our kids are getting so big. Spencer turns 6 in eight days. I can't handle it!
Haven's such a beautiful girl. Glad she had a special day!
Oh happy birthday miss haven! what a delightful birthday. I love how helpful and great Bryan is..you can tell how much he loves his girls:)
Happy Birthday Haven! It looks like she had a really special day. And now she is a "whole hand" old, as my kids say! I'm happy to hear you are feeling better Summer! Can't wait to find out what you've got cookin' in there!
Happy Birthday Haven! It does go by way too fast, doesn't it?! Cute pictures! It looks like Haven had a great birthday.
Love the snow white dress!! Happy Birthday Haven! Looks like you had a great day:)
Happy Birthday Haven. I can't believe how much fun stuff she was able to pack into one day. It looked like she had a smile on her face the whole day.
I love her smile. It is exactly the same as when she was little. She is such a cutie. I bet she had so much fun at disneyland with her daddy. She is a doll.
happy belated birthday to the beautiful, hilarious, magnificent, princess we all love named Haven! Summer I cannot believe she is all grown up I remember babysitting her when she was a new born and now I still babysit for her! She is great and you are a great mother! I miss you! I will talk to you later there is a whole lot that I need to catch you up on! Feel better sexy momma!
happy brithday hav! the hoffman's love you!!
Happy Birthday Haven! She is so cute. I can't believe she is 5 either I don't think I've seen her since she was a baby. Cute of Bry to wrap her presents, make the sign on her door, and take her to Disneyland... gotta love $60 of free stuff. Isn't pregnancy fun?
Happy Birthday Haven! She is so cute. I can't believe she is 5 either I don't think I've seen her since she was a baby. Cute of Bry to wrap her presents, make the sign on her door, and take her to Disneyland... gotta love $60 of free stuff. Isn't pregnancy fun?
Happy Birthday cute Haven! She is just so darling!! It looks like such a super fun birthday! Disneyland and Rubys!!! SO FUN!
The $60.00 of free stuff is the best! Where do we go to pick that up??
That was awesome of Bryan to do birthday duties. I hope you get to feeling better soon!
happy b-day Haven!!!
Happy Birthday Haven! What a VIP day for the little princess! Call me. We need to catch up...
That looked like the best birthday ever. I want to be five again and do all that. You are a great mom for making her birthday so special!!
can you even believe how fast our little girls are growing up. Q already does stuff i didn't expect till teenage years. i try so hard not to laugh at her too...it's hard.
HAppY BiRtHdAy SwEEt HeaVeN!!
what a fun day for her! I never realized how close our kids are in age. Mason will be five in March and Michael & Berkley I think are close too. Funny! too bad we don't live closer, maybe in a few years.
Happy Birthday, Haven!! That looked like such a great day. I just may do the exact same thing on my next b-day. Soooo fun! Hope you are feeling better soon. Miss seeing you! xoxo
happy birthday haven...i love you little babe!
Happy b-day Haven.! I can't believe she is 5 either. She is so so cute and I love all of these pics of her- she looks thrilled that it is her birthday.
Happy Birthday Haven! What a great day! I love that she wanted lipgloss, curls and jewelry this morning... sounds like my Ella! So glad you're feeling better Summer!
What a cute baby Haven was!! Kaili can't wait until Saturday.
Happy Birthday cute 'Hee-fin' (as Collin would say). I wonder if they honor the merch. for a 2 year old who doesn't have to pay for a pass?
Happy Birthday! 5 years old is a true milestone! She is so cute, love the hot pink knee highs. And D-land with Dad? Lucky girl! :) p.s Glad you are feeling a little better - can't wait to hear what you are having!
happy birthday haven. i can't wait to see you on saturday!!
xoxo- cascia!
Happy Birthday Haven! she looks so cute and awesome that they gave you credit! we'll have to do that too! I can't wait for Saturday!!
happy b-day to my haven kate. we love you so much and had a fun night with you!
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