We had a cold, rainy Christmas this year and it was kind of nice.

Christmas Eve we went to Bryan's parents where the kids did a nativity scene. Haven got to be Mary.

Berkley was an Angel

Santa came and surprised the kids at the end of the night and they loved it.

Christmas morning we got to talk to Bryan's sister in Poland.

I think Gordon was one of the BEST gifts we ever got. The girls still cuddle and play with him everyday.

Opening some presents from Santa on Christmas morning.

Santa brought Gordon a sweater and new toy.

Our neighbor Patti and her daughter Kate came over to give the girls cute mittens and some games.

Playing in the Christmas rain

We stayed in our Pajamas and went over to my parents where Haven got some rollar skates

and some jewelry

Berkley got some fairy wings

Cousin Trina with Gordito.

Bryan relaxing by the fire with some hot chocolate. It doesn't get better than that!

What a fun Christmas you had. Gordon looks like a person sitting next to Bryan...well...a really hairy person. But look at that funny face he's making! I love it!
no it doesn't, especially if it was made from the cocomotion. i love you guys, and whatever you are up for today, let me know, i am leaving my mom's house for home in a bit.
love you puddsicle
wonderful christmas!! love berkley's fairy wings...ella is so into the fairy stage right now...she wears her wings all the time! and your little dog is too cute for words! i'm glad you guys had a wonderful holiday!!
Merry Christmas to you guys! Your card is so gorgeous!
Your christmas looked awesome! I love that pic of Haven playing mary! Adorable!
It was good to see you guys! Thacks is a maniac on his new razor. Him and Haven will have to race next time!
Megan- Gordon really is just a hairy human. You hit the nail on the head. And he's the best behaved person in the house too. Always up for a cuddle, outfit change, pooping in the right place and sleeping in. Can't say the same about the rest of my family...
the rain was great! gordon's sweater is so cute!
Bennett got a Razor scooter too, we will have to get those too silly kids together soon.
What a fun Christmas!! Glad you had a good one. I love your Christmas picture and the pictures of the girls are so cute. What did Summer get from Santa?!!!
Kai and Payton got those exact scooters, too. Red Razor for Kai, Princess scooter for Payton. Great Idea, Santa!!! Your pics are so fun. IT makes me wanna actually blog again. I don't know, though, I think I'm converted over to Facebook! Dang it!
hot coco and fire - it does not get better - does it...We had a white Christmas in Utah...Hope to see you guys soon.
Looks like a good Christmas! I love your card!!
how fun! I'm glad you had a good Christmas! Taylor keeps talking about Haven! she had so much fun with her. i love all the little barbie's they got! where did you find something like that?
My mom kept my roller skates (like Haven's) from when I was a kid. Madison loves skating with them.
Nothing good at Target. Found a couple of great deals at the mall but not too much. I think there was so much on sale before Christmas it's all picked over right now. Did you find anything good?
Your house looks adorable!! Love that last pic!!
merry merry christmas!!
Fun post! Great pictures. I love that your girls wore plaid pjs to bed on Christmas Eve then woke up in peppermints. Darling!
Jenny- ha... those plaid outfits were shirts they wore on Christmas Eve. Not pajamas! I am laughing...
Gwenyth also got those darling princess barbies and the main gifts from us were the same exact razor for Gavin and princess scooter for Gwenyth! I saw those roller skates too and thought they looked cute. How funny.
so glad you guys had a great Christmas! Let me know when you will be in the AZ next... ;)
summer...that looks like such a fun Christmas. i bet it was so fun to talk to Bryan's sister. and that Gordon, what a cute little doggy!! Merry Christmas!! :-)
Gordon hit the jack-pot with your fam! you are alll so obsessed with him. Bryan's even a fan now.
looks like you had a great christmas! I was happy about the cold as well! It felt more like Christmas than last year. The girls are so cute. Berkley is so cute!
It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. I always love seeing how cute your girls are dressed. Hopefully some day I'll be able to dress my girls in such darling matching outfits!
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