We'll see how things go in the twin bed we set up for Berkley today!

3 weeks shy of her 2nd birthday... I had no choice with this climbing monkey of a girl. The net we bought to go over the crib made her ANGRY and didn't work the way we had planned. I was hoping for at least another 6 months or so in her crib but I hate to see another broken bone. Wish us luck... as of now, she stayed up 2 hours past her bedtime playing with toys, turning on the light in the room and coming out to see what Bryan and I were doing! Ahhh!
oh that sucks so bad! just yesterday Rob and I had to keep putting Olivia and Grace back in their cribs and they ended up never having naps! I'm soo sad about it. we were thinking about getting one of those tent things, but maybe we won't now that you said it didn't work very well!
I love it.
Charlotte was under two when she moved into her "big girls bed"... With potty training and moving into the bed... it all came on b/c SHE WANTED TO... she is amazing, I was a lucky mommy.
Have the girls always shared a room?
I thought when Lillian gets into her BGBed we would put them into the same room... What are your feelings of sharing a room? I never had a sister so I always had my own room.
Madison was 18months when she went into a big bed. But I am dreading the day we have to with Hudson. Good Luck.
She should get used to it pretty fast, it is just a novelty right now. Good luck and hopefully this will prevent any more broken bones!
Reese has a tent and I love love love it! I think it is awesome! That is a bummer that Berkley didn't think the same thing. I think that Reese is going to be in the crib a little bit longer.
Bummer the cribtent didn't work out! I think the older the child is when you put them in the cribtent, the harder the adjustment, especially if they've had a little taste of freedom! I wish I would've put up the tents at 12 or 14 months and it would have been easier. Anna cried at first when I would zip up the tent at night, but I stuck with it and she got used to it and now the girls even let me know if I forget to zip them up. With twins, it's all about my sanity!
Maybe you could put on a childproof doorknob cover to keep her in her room. Cute room and Berkely looked adorable in her pink cast at church yesterday!
My boys were both in beds long before they were 2.. she'll be fine. I strongly suggest unscrewing the lightbulbs (so she can't turn on the lights) and reversing the locks (so you can lock her in, then unlock it after she falls asleep). Good luck!
They look so cute in their beds. We put Kamdyn in her big girl bed at 19 months or so because we needed the crib for Tyler.
She droves us CRAZY for the first few weeks, but then eventually she learned to love it. We still put up a gate in her doorway at night because she loves to see what is going on with everyone else rather than sleep.
Here's hoping Berkley will love her new bed enough to stay in it! Good luck!
Avaree was the same way. I had just had Weston and we couldn't get her to stay in her bed. She slept on her crib mattress on the floor for a few months before we got her a big girl bed. Berkley will get used to it but it's such an adjustment.
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