Let's just say that I'm so GLAD that I got this picture earlier in the day.

Because later in the day this would happen:
Exhibit A:

Exhibit B

Exhibit C

I felt like I could put up this last naked picture since my blog is private but still had to do a little editing. What is it with this child though? Everyday it is something new with her... she is CRAZY! And the outfit went straight out to the trash. It's ruined!
This weekend we took the kids to the Honda Center to see "Walking with Dinosaurs". I didn't know how much my kids would like it and I was surprised how much they DID enjoy it! They loved it actually.

It was amazing to see how they re-created these dinosaurs to seem so real!

Haven and Kaili had these priceless looks on their faces half the time.

Berkley liked it SO much that she would stick out her lip and cry every time a dinosaur would leave the stage! She would say "No Bye Bye"!

Last but not least.... please check out this website (!!! We are obsessed with it. It will explain everything when you are on the site but basically you are creating your own radio station with music that you like. I put it on every morning and night as I am doing dishes! It's GREAT!!!

The dino thing sounds so fun! My boys would love it! I cant believe how much Berkley looks like bryan in the naked pic. Carson has been crazy too...we dont know what to do with him!
Ok, We went to that Dinosaur thing too, Friday Night. My Aunt wanted to take Connor and me. I thought it was sort of cool, but a total rip off! I was so glad that I didn't have to buy the tickets! We need to hang out!!
I love Berkley! She is too funny. Her and Tyler would get along great! And I love how your girls always have on the cutest matching outfits. It makes me want to have another girl so that I can dress up Kamdyn and her matching.
I can't believe the nail Polish. I'm so sorry. I heard the dinasour show was great. Glad you had fun.
Disney looked like so much fun with no kids. We were there on Friday and went on a bunch of rides and watched the parades in CA Adventure.
Oh no... that nail polish is NOT coming out. Weston dropped one the other day on my rug. Disneyland and the dinosaur show looks fun.
Hope it comes out or at least blends in right..I don't know the secrets of stains so I am no help!
I am so sorry about that nail polish! BUMMER! but the walking with dinos sounds cool, I've heard it's awesome!
and lulu has that same naartjie dress...such a cute line! :-)
looks like you guys had so much fun at the dino place - I need to take my kids - let me know about it - love to hear more. Your girls are so cute!
summer..that's a crack up about berkley!! what a little character..just think 20 yrs. from know you are going to look at those pictures and laugh:)
you know oxi will take nail polish out of clothes right. i've done it more than once. it's a process, but it works.
Oh my gosh, I am so sad for you and the ruined clothes! At least Berk can be cleaned up, but the darling clothes?! :(
Thank you for editting that picture. HA!
Looks like the dinos were pretty fun! I'm sure the company (hello huge group) made it more fun.
Fun times! That dinosaur thing looks like it was fun. I love Haven and her friends faces as they are watching it! So funny.
The whole outfit in the trash? Bummer! I thought I would have to do that with Brooklyn when she had an explosive diaper with mustard poop. Luckily most of it came out. All that is left is a bit of a yellow haze. Not my favorite outfit!
That girl is hilarious! Sorry, but she is such a character. She's trying to make sure that she is never the glossed-over middle child. Attention anyone?? Every second of every day. My problem is that my monkey keeps opening every cupboard and drawer! Argh! Cate never did that! She would line up all of my canned food, but that was it! This punk opens everything and climbs everywhere.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blue bag. brand?
Shell- it is a $16 bag from H&M! Do you want me to get you one??
Your girls are always so adorably dressed. That is crazy that little Berkley loves to get into things. I love it that each child is so different with there own personality. Bummer about the outfit. But just think, she will wear it again when she grows into Havens!!
Love the editing job. Funny! Poor clothes. I'm sorry, Summer. Haven and Berkley look so cute in their little outfits. They are gorgeous, just like you!
Those are the cutest faces ever! I love it when they say bye bye to stuff.
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