The past week and a half I have been in and out of the Dentist office. My teeth started to hurt and when I went in to see why... I found out that I needed THREE crowns and TWO fillings! Basically, my back molars all had so many silver fillings in them that they caused my teeth to crack! So I now have 3 temporary crowns on. The other day, I started getting the worst toothache. I went in AGAIN and one of them had a hole in it. I am now on a steroid drug to prevent a possible ROOT CANAL!!! I am sooo scared! I have realized that I would rather be in labor than get dental work done! At least something good comes out of labor in the end!!! Here is why I REALLY hate the dentist:
1. Sometimes I don't get enough novacaine and can feel things. Then I have to get another shot!
2. The sound of the drilling on my tooth makes me cringe... I have been bringing music to listen to but this does NOT take away from the next problem.
3. The smell of teeth being drilled to nubs... I HATE that smell!
4. When you rinse and spit and see TONS of blood.
I really hope that my kids get Bryan's teeth. The guy does not take near the care of his teeth as I do and has NO cavities! I am pretty confident that I will have dentures by the time I am 40!
OH and did I mention that we don't have dental insurance? Bryan told me that this is my Christmas and Birthday for the next couple years!