We had a cold, rainy Christmas this year and it was kind of nice.

Christmas Eve we went to Bryan's parents where the kids did a nativity scene. Haven got to be Mary.

Berkley was an Angel

Santa came and surprised the kids at the end of the night and they loved it.

Christmas morning we got to talk to Bryan's sister in Poland.

I think Gordon was one of the BEST gifts we ever got. The girls still cuddle and play with him everyday.

Opening some presents from Santa on Christmas morning.

Santa brought Gordon a sweater and new toy.

Our neighbor Patti and her daughter Kate came over to give the girls cute mittens and some games.

Playing in the Christmas rain

We stayed in our Pajamas and went over to my parents where Haven got some rollar skates

and some jewelry

Berkley got some fairy wings

Cousin Trina with Gordito.

Bryan relaxing by the fire with some hot chocolate. It doesn't get better than that!