I love that you...
call yourself "cookie baby"*put your head on my shoulder and pat my back every time I hold you*dance anytime you hear music*love to color and draw*sleep through the night no matter what*are a mommy's girl*run errands with me and always seem happy about it*fold your arms for prayers*get a thrill from going down slides by yourself*have almond shaped eyes*put up with Berkley*enjoy eating broccoli
I don't really love...
your obsession with ruining my makeup*climbing onto anything and everything*running away from me to be funny*that silliest hair right now because your stupid mom shaved it last year*your attitude when going down for naps now*your tantrums when not getting your way*THAT YOU ARE GETTING TO BE SO BIG!!!
Cookie Baby is a perfect name for you because everyday I would love to take a bite of you! You are a scrumptious ball of joy!
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