Saturday night we ended Tulip season with a wonderful dinner. Carla was the host and did an amazing job. We had appetizers and drinks (mine sparkling cranberry) in her garden followed by a homemade dinner. We dined on Tomato soup with herbs fresh from her yard and croutons made from scratch. SO yummy! She made a fresh chicken salad and finished it off with cupcakes from Rockwells. She was so darling and had "Tulip" dishtowels on each of our seats as a gift. The fun started at 6:30 and didn't end until after 11:00. We have the best talks when we all get together. We laugh at recent funny stories. We talk and argue about politics. These ladies are all democrats and I am the only republican. Because of this... we joke how we are like "The View". I love my neighborhood due to people like this. I adore how we can agree to disagree and none of us care. They are the best and just real genuine gals!

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