My sister called me the other day to see if I wanted to have a girl's night and make a wreath. I reminded her that I am NOT crafty and am NO good with things of this nature. I told her Yes though because sister bonding is always good.
Later that day Kiks and I were chatting on the phone. I had her go to the site where the wreath was to show her my future attempt and laugh about it. She wanted in too and as she browsed the website found this easy and fun activity to do with the kids. Taking old broken crayons and melting them into molds for a giant one! This is how Haven and Berkley's turned out.

I surprised myself and although it was time consuming and I was the slowest one... I finished this darling wreath and gained a tad of creativity confidence while doing it.

So tonight when Bryan went to bed at 9:00 (such a bore), I decided to blare Pandora radio and make a few headbands with some pieces of whatever was laying around the house.

I think they turned out cute. I'm not saying that they aren't going to fall apart the first time August wears them. But hey- At least I made the attempt at doing something a little crafty! That's so not me. Or is it now?
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