Most people HATE the crowds and commotion that come along with BLACK FRIDAY. But- not me! I love the hustle and bustle of it all. I got some GREAT deals! The stores that were conquered were Kohls, Walmart, Old Navy, Target, H&M, Sport Chalet, Sears, Aaron Brothers, Michaels, Naartjie, Janie and Jack, Children's Place and Pottery Barn. The best sale was at H&M. I got lots of things for $2.50! They were practically giving things away for free. I was exhausted by the end of the day. I went to bed at 1:00 and then woke up at 4:30 to beat the crowds. Jen Bourne came with me and we went for 6.5 hours until 11:00 am. Took a break for me to nurse and went back out for another 2 hours. CRAZY but FUN! I can't wait to wrap it all now. I love wrapping!

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