Blessing day!
Today Bryan gave baby girl three a name and a blessing at church. She was able to wear the same dress that both her older sisters wore. It was a wonderful day with immediate family. We were also able to invite a few neighbors to experience an LDS baby blessing. It was perfect and I am glad that we picked a family name for this sweetie.
August is after my great grandpa Augustine Sangineto who was an important person in my life growing up. He did not pass away until I was in College and lived a long and meaningful life. Her middle name Elle is after Bryan's grandpa Elwood. He is who my mother in law says Bryan got his artistic skills from.
We have been adjusting well to having 3 girls and feel like August has always been with us! We thank our Heavenly Father daily for sending her down to us. I am trying to enjoy her teeny tiny infant stage because they grow so quick. She has already changed so much!

It was a happy day!
she's just getting cuter and cuter! What a special day. Loved that all your girls got to wear the same dress. My sisters and I all wore the same dress, as well as all of our baby girls.
darling! darling! darling! she is such a little blessing.
p.s. i love that skirt that you were wearing.
She is so so cute!! I am loving her chubber cheeks and her eyes are so blue! You look beautiful! It was fun chatting last night xoxo
Such a lovely day, those blessing events! Congrats!
So,,,I'm totally seeing more Haven/Bryan in this girl...what do you all think?
Love that last picture- like she's also so surprised that she's growing up this fast!
I love the little grin in that last picture. I'm glad it was a special day for you guys!
I love that her name is after both Grandpas- how special and cool! She is a living DOLL! Your whole family is darling.
P.S. I love all of their white dresses!
Jayna~ I think you are spot on. Today someone said she looks exactly like Berkley. I get both "Oh she looks so much like Haven" or "She is Berkley's twin". The truth is... when I look at Haven's pictures, they are very similar! You called it! Another Bryan Junior!
So cute! That picture of her and Bryan is like they are looking in the mirror at each other! Twins.
Fun/special day for your fam.
What a beautiful family you have created. Love the history of her name! Thanks for sharing your special day...
Bonnie H.
So cute Summer. What a special day for such a cute little lady.
She is totally a mini Brian- so cute Summer! Ryden is a mini Darren..i love it when they look like their dads! What a beautiful dress. And Grandma is so funny --trying Mt Dew! did she like?
Beautiful! She is a keeper! Glad you guys had a special day. Love the Mtn Dew picture!
Beautiful! She is a keeper! Glad you guys had a special day. Love the Mtn Dew picture!
what a baby doll!
what a great day and great pics. love the dress! we blessed franklin too. i'm just a little behind on updating. :)august looks perfect!
i love that she is named after grandpas! she is defin. your baby girl. Darling Darling.
Glad the day went perfect! She's adorable!
What a great event! WE are so happy for you guys. August is darling and I love this last pic of her smiling. I hope to meet her soon. I hope I adjust as quickly as you did. xo
how cute! what a fun day, she is soo adorable!
She is so cute! I think she is a good mix of the two. Mia is the same way. When I see a baby picture of Eliza I think Mia looks just like her. The same with pictures of Avery. Sisters are the best!
what a little sweetie pie!! she's so cute!!
Are you loving your new camera? I love taking pictures now, it's my favorite. Hope you're loving it too. It was so fun to see you guys last weekend!
So cute, why didn't you tell us, we would have loved to come in! She is adorable, maybe i can see her before she gets any bigger?
She's a doll. I'm just realizing we wont see her grow up to be a toddler as well as all our friends darling kids. sad
oh da baby, so cute! wish we could've been there! i'm cracking up about grandma wanting to try mountain dew and bryan toasting her, so great!
-drew & elle
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