Dear August~
Every uncomfortable day of being pregnant was all 100% worth it to have you in our life! I couldn't wait to meet you and I think you were a little anxious yourself. Poor Dr. Thein was worried the whole pregnancy that you wouldn't stay in for the full 4o weeks. You were VERY low from the beginning and I could feel it everyday. On August 3, I went in for my weekly check up. I had not been feeling well the previous 4 days and felt like I was fighting a flu bug. Dr. Thein and I both talked about how it was good you had not come out yet and maybe you should cook in my belly a little longer. We decided that he was not going to do an internal check in case it stirred things up. During the visit... I described a few other symptoms my body was feeling and asked him what it could be. He then told me that those were all symptoms of my body trying to put itself in labor. He then said he felt like he should check me. Right after he did, he said "Excuse me for a moment. I am going to call the hospital." I was wondering what was going on. He then came back and told me that I was dialated to a 4 and that I was pretty much in active labor. I needed to go home and get my bag and meet him at the hospital in an hour. I told him that I did not want to be induced and wanted to have things happen on their own. He told me that if it happened that way then I could potentially risk not being able to get an epidural or anti-biotics for the strep B that I tested positive for. He also only needed to mention that I could have my baby in the car with how quick my labors go so I listened to him and away we went.
Your daddy met me at home to get our stuff together, do a last minute clean and give me a beautiful blessing. I felt very peaceful going to the hospital. Unlike with both of your sisters being woken in the middle of the night in labor.
Daddy took one last picture of us "together" before I put on my hospital gown and got my IV.

They hooked me up and asked me if I was feeling my contractions. I said no and the nurse then told me that I was having them and had dialated to a 5 on my own. Dr. Thein is a smart man! He knew that this was your birthday. The nurse said I would have had you anyway today even if the doctor hadn't sent me in. I did a lot of laying on my side to pass the time! And finally started feeling contractions in my back. We all looked at each other and knew that this meant you may have to be delivered sunny side up!

I got my epidural shortly after and felt good. Other than "the shakes"... I was very comfortable! Aunt Katie and I made a deal to see one of each other's deliveries so she was in the room during your birth and was very sweet. I loved to see her excitement!

Well my little angel... you were sunny side up! Just as we thought! And although that is supposed to be more hard to push out... you flew out in 5 short minutes! I was SO surprised how easy it was! I was so overwhelmed with how sweet and perfect you were! Our first meeting made me SO happy!

I was SO glad you were here and nothing made me more joyful than to hold you in my arms!

Your sisters were waiting right outside the door and had to run in and see you! Even before they had a chance to give you a bath and clean you up!

It was a special moment!

Your daddy was SO excited to meet his 3rd princess and was so kind to me during labor! You are one LUCKY girl to have him! And so am I!

Your grandparents and great grandparents came to see you!

And many close friends and loved ones! Jenny and Amanda came when you were just 1 hour old!

Your sisters begged to come hold you in the hospital every day!

Uncle Tanner came before he got on a plane for work!

And Cousins Reese and Beck couldn't wait to meet their new little buddy!

Your future pre-school teacher Mrs. Shirley came!

Liz and Jill!

And we had a "girls" party in the room with Brooke, Katie, Julie, Amy and Nicole!
The next day we took you home. Your sister Berkley crawled into your hospital bed and pretended to be a baby. She is a BIG girl now though.

Haven helped daddy put you in your car seat! She is the BEST helper!

You were SO small in such a big car seat!

We got home to see the infamous stork in the front yard and had to laugh when they put your birth weight wrong! Don't worry though... they came back and fixed it that day!

We are now a family of five and you have made us feel so complete! We already can't imagine life with out you!!! I sit here and write this with tears in my eyes because I know that in a blink of an eye, you will be grown up. I will cherish you and this precious stage of your newborn life! We LOVE you and your sweet spirit so much baby August!!!
All my love, Mom
what a fabulous time in your lives!!! she's so sweet and i'm so glad that you're surrounded by so many caring people!! congrats!!!
Yep, the music did it for me...That was very sweet. I already love that little girl too.
So cute, I am glad that everything went well and that she is here!
SO excited! Can't wait to see her. Who does she look like? Can't tell from the pics. When I get home, I will call to see what I can do to help! -- Lindsey
I loved you August Elle from the moment I saw you!!!
By the way....SUnny side up is fun because you get to see the baby when she came...huh! More by the way....don't you LOVE Theiny! Maybe you should get him a dinner gift card to somewhere fancy!
Love all of the fun pictures, and note to August. You need to change your picture up top - She needs to be in it.
Congratulations to your family! She is a little doll!
Summer, I loved this post! Congratulations my friend, she's just beautiful! And I'm glad that sunny side up didn't give you any problems. Both my boys were and it was a little rough! Course they were 10 pounds
SO happy for you, August is just beautiful---of course, as a Thacker girl is :)
how exciting Summer! Congratulations!! I"m soo happy for you guys!
I LOVE this post, Summer. It's so sweet. I think my favorite picture is little August in her big car seat. She looks like a tiny baby doll! I'm glad I was able to join the girls' party at the hospital :). Congrats again!
Oh, yeah, that comment was from Nicole. I always forget I'm not signed in as myself!
I am all teary after reading your post...
August Elle is a beautiful little girl.
Congrats Summer!
what a precious teeny tiny little girl. Sorry we missed her arrival. I can't wait to meet her in person.
Congratulations. She's so sweet. Can't wait to meet little August. Love her name.
Oh, that is such a great story! I'm sorry i haven't been by to see you and August yet! I'm dying to hold her, but I've been sick. I'll be over next week when I'm better! Glad that you guys are all doing great! Get ready for 3!!
Congratulations!!! What a sweet post! Its amazing how our sweet babies can make our feeling for them so close to the surface. The joy they bring into our lives.
She is just gorgeous!!! Just like the rest of your family!!! rest rest rest!!!
ah, so sweet! Makes me want another one.. almost! She is darling as expected! Congrats! xoxox
what a sweet post sums! i am totally crying. august is darling. i am so glad she made it safe and sound. she is truly precious!
Congratulations Summer! Baby August is so precious! I love seeing Haven and Berkley as big sisters to her... so sweet! You and Bryan look perfect with three little girls surrounding you!
What a sweet story and precious baby girl. Your family looks so cute. Sum, are you exempt from gaining weight ot what?! In your pic by the stork you can't even tell that you just had a baby- you are one hot mama. :)
That was awesome, Summer! My eyes are teary and I am soooo happy for you and baby August! What beautiful little girls you and Bryan make. You look AMAZING and not even like you just had a baby! No fair! I can't wait to see this little girl of yours. I'll have to come and see you soon! xoxo
Adorable!!! I loved the way you did this post. August is such doll, and you look great too! How fun to have so many visitors. Congratulations!!!
she is so cute...i love her name!!! I can't wait to see more pics!!
Awww, you were making me tear up. thanks for adding the music to make me even more emotional!
I love these kinds of posts. I totally know how you feel, sitting there and bawling as you type. It's only happened a few times to me. Thank you for sharing such wonderful emotion.
I'm so glad that little stinker came out so fast even though she was sunny side up. Congrats Thacker Fam... you have a new precious girl to love.
Another lovely little girl- congrats you guys!! 3 girls ROCKS! :)
Summer, what a sweet letter to your perfect little angel! You wil cherrish it always. She is absolutely beautiful...just like all the other Thacker chicks! :-) what a lucky little baby girl to get to come to your family! Xoxo
What a beautiful post, Sum! We are so happy for you all! She is beautiful! I would love to come by and see her.
I always love hearing the whole story - thanks for sharing. She is beautiful - and so are you. Congrats to your sweet family! love you guys!
So sweet Summer. Beautiful baby and beautiful you all through this pregnancy and delivery.
So cute Summer! I am so happy for you guys. Little August is so darling and your whole family looks so happy and cute together. Congrats. I hope you're getting lots of rest and enjoying the newborn awesomeness- it sounds like you are!! I wish I was closer and could come and hold her.
the last one to comment... well that's a first. ha
for being a self proclaimed "non-crier" you sure are emotional these days little one.
she is so darling! holding her for an hour the other night was not enough so I'll be back soon... xoxoxo
so cute summer! can't wait to see all the big bows i know you have waiting for her!
She is beautiful Summer! I love seeing all of the pictures and reading your sweet "baby story". The music put me over the edge, there is nothing more precious than a new baby . . . gets me every time. We love you and are so excited for your family of five!!!
She's beautiful and I LOVe love her name. You guys have great names. Im excited to see her NB pictures. Love all of your pictures and her baby story. Congrats!
Children's birthdays are the best! I am still on a high from having Franklin. I can't believe he is already a month. Isn't it crazy we have 3 children? I'm so happy for you guys. Love all the pics and the classic stork. You look great and August is adorable. She fits right in! Wish I could meet her in person. xoxo
p.s. I think my belly is AT LEAST the size of yours at the end of your pregnancy and I'm only almost 27 wks!!! You are one hot mama, Sum!
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