More birthday/ Summer time fun!
Bryan's parents took us to El Torito for a yummy dinner to celebrate my 31 day! I indulged in a great fajita salad and topped it off with some flan.

Thanks so much Ted and Glenna!

Aleisha and Mikelle took me to the Nordstrom Cafe for lunch. Why does my life revolve around food?

This past week we also met my friend Julie and her daughter Lily at Balboa Island for a ride on the merry go round, lunch and treats! The weather was beautiful and it was NOT at all crowded! Perfect!
P.S. In the background of this picture is the Balboa Pavilion where Bryan and I had our wedding reception. It was fun to point it out to the girls!

what's going on? did Berkley get extensions? ;) has it really been that long since I've seen her?
Happy Birthday Summer! You always look so darn cute. I can't wait to see pics of this 3rd cutest girl!
I love you friend Julie. She is so Carey Bradshaw! I remember her from your roller par-tay last year.
I was at Fun Zone this weekend with a Julie too...weird.
fun times summer! i am so happy for you and bryan that you got a little get away before the baby comes...that hotel looks unreal..and i would LOVE to go to that flea market...i've heard those big flea markets are amazing and you can find unreal deals!! love your bracelet!
fun fun fun! I love going up there!
Happy Birthday Summer! Looks like a lot of fun! It's beautiful where you guys had your wedding reception! WOW! Your girls look so cute and Berkley looks so much older to me in these pictures! I guess maybe she's gearing up to be a big sis!!! Yeah! Not too much longer!
What a fun day! The Fun zone with forever be a place of my childhood! Your pictures are adorable!
I'm totally jealous of your vacation. What a fun time! And you timed this baby perfectly, you are going the have right before it gets really hot and right after your birthday. Nice! I'm going to have to remember the whole babymoon thing in case Chad and I are crazy enough to have a third baby. Great idea!
What a fun birthday week. Glad you got to get away to a beautiful place with your hubby. You look so so great. Your family is just beautiful.
We will be there in a week and a half - can't wait to see you. By the way, I hear the Rose Bowl flea market is only once a month - is this true? We totally want to go, but sounds like we will miss it.
And, one more thing - you look like you are in your 20s still for sure!
Happy belated 31st birthday!! It looks like you had such a great time!
you are so cute!!
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