It all started tonight when our dear neighbor Patti came over to say Hi! Little did she know what she was in for. As Bryan and I were trying to get the girls to eat their chicken with vegetables, Patti chimed in and said:
"Haven and Berkley, if you eat all your food then next time the Ice Cream Truck comes I will pay the man to let us take a ride and pass out FREE Ice Cream to all the neighbors! Then... at the end, you girls can get one too! I bet he is on a break this week with the cold weather but he just may be back next week!"
It wasn't but 7 minutes later that Bryan looked out the window and suddenly signaled to Patti to get the girls and hide so they could not hear the blaring Ice Cream truck music. It was too late! The Ice Cream Truck was here! The girls gobbled down their last bite of dinner and ran out to the street! I think they had the best time ever and will be talking about it for days! THANKS PATTI!

i cannot handle! looks like such a fun neighbor! the ice crea man gives me heebies!
Awesome! Patti is the best neighbor ever, eh? I love the picture with the ice cream man in it. He is the bomb!!!
Good to see Bugs Bunny is still around :)
LOL!! What a great neighbor!
Ice Cream man looks a little scary:)
YEAH- the Ice Cream man is creepy for sure. Patti made sure to have a chat with the girls after about how they are only allowed to go on the Ice Cream truck again with her. You better believe I will be talking with them again about it in the morning....
What a great neighbor and a creepy man and van. Icecream trucks creep me out. Just the sound they make.
Cute kids, and a super fun and sweet neighbor.
love that patti has the biggest heart and the best accent i've ever heard. hilarious!
patti is the best! we love Patti from BOWASTIN!
How fun! You do have the best neighbor! She is so much fun! Cute pictures! I want the ice cream man to come around here now!!!
Ice cream man- one word- FRIGHTENING!!
Love that Patti adds to your list of token Catholic friends. Way to represent Patti! lol
Can Patti come take my son on the ice cream truck? He is always on our street but he doesn't look half as CREEPY as your ice cream man!
Fun neighborhood!
I love all of these comments...especially Kristi's!
I hope their baths were after their fun adventure!
That Ice Cream man for sure hit his quota that day. The sad part is that now he will be in your neighborhood more than often and you have to be the bad mom who doesn't buy the girls ice cream everytime he comes by!
Why does the ice cream truck ALWAYS come at dinner time?? Darn those creepy ice cream truck drivers.
What a cool neighbor!
that is tooooooo cute!! what a great neighbor you have!
best neighbor ever!
Love that woman!!!!!
Wow, how fun for the girls and what a great neighbor!
I want a neighbor like that!
I love it. That is a great neighbor.
I'm afraid of the ice cream man.
That's Hilarious! My boys would be all over that!
I heart Patti!
cutest idea EVER! what a sweetie.....why didn't you head on down this way & bring me some icecream?
What a cute story. I especially love the greasy ice cream truck driver in the top pick!
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