Spring Break part I!
We have had a lot going on lately. My mom and sister both had birthdays and I was able to enjoy a fun girl's night out with some gals from my sister's ward.

We also celebrated at Ichibiri for both my mom and sister's birthday as a family. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATE AND BETHERS! Andrew and Elle were lucky enough to be in town!

My mom's real birthday was the sunday of general conference and we had a nice brunch!
A fun Easter Egg hunt was had at Grandma and Grandpa Thackers! Haven and Berkley got cute flower headpieces!
Cute cousin Thacker stopped during the hunt to enjoy some candy!
Cute cousins

We did a fun walk/ hike with Katie and Tanner. I actually didn't go because it hurts to walk right now so I stayed home and ate!

Haven had her Easter performance at school!

Berkley can't wait to be at Mrs. Shirley's pre-school next year!

We had some GREAT beach days! The weather has been beautiful!

A trip to the Spectrum to ride the Ferris Wheel and do some shopping!

A visit with the Easter Bunny himself!

We were laughing because we will never know who was under this costume... but whoever it was sure liked Bryan and pulled him onto his lap for a picture!

More Spectrum but this time water fountains...
and the Merry Go Round!
And a fun lunch with Amy and Mikelle at In-n-out!
I am REALLY trying to enjoy my girls right now. It is hard though and each morning I wake up and tell myself that I just need to get through another day! I am SO uncomfortable already! The baby is very low and I feel LOTS of pressure! Another 16 LOOONG weeks and I don't have to be pregnant anymore! I am excited to meet our new bundle!
It was so fun to run into you today! You are such a fun friend and I am sorry you are already uncomfortable. I hope that it gets better! But you look so cute and NOT even pregnant! Makes me sick!
Being pregnant is not the most graceful of times for us ladies, but you sure ROCK the bump. Less walking and more IN-N-OUT makes every thing better.
16 weeks and counting...
Looks like a fun week! Number three gave me lots of pressure, too... I feel your pain. You will get through it and the baby will be well worth it! And by the way, you look great!
hello busy bee. did you do some traveling yesterday? wished we could have joined. instead...i had to be responsible for once.
you all have great sandals and I enjoy all the gals wearing matching black suits!!!
You are one busy girl. Those 16 weeks are going to fly by. You look great.
Wow! You've been super busy:)
Seriously you dont' even look pregnant!!! Where is your belly?
Theres my girl. Not a boring post, they never all. I've decided maybe I don't want to meet you in PS soon. I don't know if our pregnant bodies are meant to see each other:)
go to in n out again and again and again please!
what fun!!!! i L-O-V-E easter..and haven looks so cute hoppin' around! i sure hope these next few months go by fast for you:)
So sorry about being uncomfortable! I am living that way too!!! Been thinking about you! I'm due to have this little girly any day so maybe sometime this summer we can get together for a quick lunch and catch up!! You don't even look pregnant, btw. You look amazing!!!! I am so anxious to have my body back... 2 pregs back-to-back has made me FORGET what it's really like to be normal!! lots of love.
Okay, the kids look SO dang cute with the Easter bunny! So sad we missed it. We miss you guys and the sun already--it's pretty chilly here, of course! Love you guys!
Drew and Elle
I wouldn't be able to tell you were pregnant. You still hardly show! I know how uncomfortable things can get. Girls are SO hard. Maybe if you go for a fourth you will get lucky with a boy. They are a breeze!
where are you hiding this said baby you claim to be pregnant with, in a backpack? Sorry you are uncomfortable, that is the worst when they sit low like that, both mine did!
wow- you had me fooled. I had no idea you had this many outings going on. See you Sunday. Grandma Jo will be at the ward Easter egg hunt. Kaili has been missing Haven so bring Haven over for a play date K
Cute post Summer! I love that Elle fits in so well with your family. She's so cute and fashion forward; just like you and Katie! I especially loved that the Easter Bunny had a thing for Bryan! That is hilarious. And as always your kids and Katie's kids look so adorable!
Looks like you had a fun weekend with your fam. I know how you feel. My baby is VERY low too, so low they had a hard time checking his brain in the ultrasound. I'm struggling right now because it is still cold here and I don't fit in maternity but regular jeans are so uncomfortable. I just want to wear sweats. I can't wait until it's warmer and I can wear dresses. I'm thinking I officially have 14 weeks left but it will be less... We are trying to plan a trip soon!
seriously could you please crop me out of that picture? it's hideous.
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