Valentines and such...
Haven's preschool show
She gave me "herself" for a V-day present. It was very cute!
Bryan and I were lucky enough to get out for Valentines. We were able to go to the Temple and then grab a quick dinner.

After dinner we saw "He's just not that into you" and I don't think I was that into the movie or else just tired. I fell asleep. Past my bedtime these days!

Sunday the girls were able to wear their cute Valentines dresses my mom got them.

We got a call from Bryan's boss that he didn't have to come into work on monday so after church we last minute headed out to Palm Springs for just 24 hours.

We ate at our favorite BBQ place

And met up with Amanda and Lindsay

All the kids excited to be together

Berkley got into someone's lipstick

The rest of the time we just lounged by the fire

Picked and ate some fresh grapefruit

And ate breakfast at Rubys!

I guess I am feeling a little better. I am actually out and about again....
oh my little puddsicle....
babes was babalicious
fun times summer! You look so cute! I love Haven's little Valentine's! Adorable!
you matching your darling valentines is so cute. i'm loving your matching bows at rub's too. go girl! xoxo
What a fun Valentines weekend! You do look so cute Summer! like always. Haven's preschool teacher seems so creative and cute. I loved her little "myself" Valentine to you! SO cute!
Love that you guys are always matching and look so festive! Glad you are getting some energy back too. I think I am starting to too... That movie was way too long no wonder you fell asleep.
fun v-day! and summer you LOOK GREAT!! i sure hope you are feeling looksl ike you are:)
so good to see you all- we had so much fun! just makes us miss CA even more :) XO
fun getaway. I like coming here just so I can see all your cute outfits. Seriously...i need your fashion help!
oh...and another thought. Please will you do a post showing us your girls' entire bow collection? I've been dying to see how you manage such a variety!
don't you just love fast, mini getaways?
how cute is Haven's little valentine show at preschool? And how fun to go to Palm's Springs! that's awesome that bryan didn't have to work on Monday! I hope you are feeling better with this pregnancy! we need to have Haven over again!
looks like a blast. what brand r your boots? I think I have the same ones.
Just wanted to get your comment count up...
That was from my hilarious husband!
Fun! You look great!! You are such a hott mama!!
Summer, I wish you would do a fashion blog and teach us all some stuff. It would be huge and you could make money from your tips. Seriously. You're always so cute. I love your girls too- Haven's face in that last one while sipping through the straw is adorable.
love the girls dresses...mine have them as well. you look adorable should have 10 kids ;)
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