06 November, 2008

I could have called this...
click here... this is unreal!


Tiffany said...

I know, I know. I watched the news and it made me cry. This whole thing is so backwards. I told Matt, I wished that the Lord would electrify the fence or something! Our next door lesbian neighbors are barely speaking to us, and yet they even came to Zaylin's blessing. I am so sick and tired of the minority wanting to rule the majority. I think this is a test for the memebers of the Church, and a sure sign of the times.

Elizabeth said...

I can't even stand that! I'm in Ohio right now so I haven't seen any of those videos or news about prop 8 so that is so depressing to me!!

ali said...

last I checked, California is not comprised of 52% Mormons. But whatever....

SUMMER said...

EXACTLY Ali! Why are they only targeting us??

amanda said...

believe it
they're all nuts

Hess Fam said...

Ouch. That was painful. I just read an email that the mormons made up less than 5% of the vote. Very interesting...and sad.

Freeman Family said...

Love the Mormons go to Hell Sign! Really nice and peaceful protest, right. Whatever... It passed in AZ too. I think they need to face the fact that majority still rules. no matter how close the margin!

SUMMER said...

Some interesting statistics:

LDS Population in CA= 5%
Gay/ Lesbian Population in the USA= 2%

My point being..
A. Why are we going to change the constitution for that small of a percent (2)?
B. Obviously LDS people took over a tiny 5% of the 52% votes. And at that... I know that not all LDS voted YES.

Teagan said...

that is ridiculous!! That just makes me sick!
and yeah like 52% of the people in CA are LDS....HA!

the cummard family said...

wow...that is bad!

queenieweenie said...

it is so incredibly sad that we are viewed as hateful and being called bigots. We are just standing for what we believe is right...AND we stand with the majority!

Anonymous said...

Okay here is the deal put in my blunt terms!! Protesting gets you no where besides just wasting everybody's time! If you are going to protest they should sue and write letters and petitions to show the government the number of people who oppose prop 8!

I also think it is hilarious how much people misunderstand the Mormon Church and prop 8! Do they not remember how much money was donated by people outside of he Mormon church. Did the people protesting seriously not pay attention to all of the other churches that stood up for voting yes on prop 8!

Sorry for my long blunt, opinionated comment!

Melinda said...

The scary fact is that these people are anti-religion and definitely have an agenda. They have made a choice that goes against christianity and they are angry at the churches who don't change their doctrine to accomodate their lifestyle (sorry we're not God). They would take away the tax-exmept status of churches in a second if they could (they even boldly state so on their protest signs they hold up).

There is a population of ex-mormons who are gay that are very angry with the church and they are the ones who have a big part in targeting the LDS church. While getting so engrossed in Prop 8, I stumbled upon many websites run by gay anti-mormons. In particular I found one website that was made to look mormon friendly at first glance so that you will email them and identify which people on their list of Yes on 8 contributors (yes it's all public on a gov't site)are mormon.

These gay mormons have emphasized to the rest of the gay community the effect the First Pres. letter, asking members to do all we can to support Prop 8, had on LDS members. They don't think Prop 8 would have passed without the LDS members' contributions and their work on the campaign, which is probably true. But as has been said, we all just have one vote, so clearly we were not alone in voting yes on 8.

The fact is the No on 8 supporters have shown that they are hateful and intolerant of anyone who does not share their view, while supporters of traditional marriage have run a respectful campaign.

It's also very interesting that the black vote in California (overwhelmingly turning out to vote Obama)may have been what tipped the Yes vote over to get Prop 8 passed. 7 in 10 blacks are against gay marriage.

Ok, I'll stop now. I could go on and on about this.

Ash and Christian said...

I agree with Melinda. All of this protesting just shows the true nature of what this is all about: religious intolerance. Where were they before the vote? That's when we were donating our money!

This is no longer about them having equal rights... and it probably never was. This is ultimately their fight against Christianity, and because of this proposition, they feel they have reason to let it be known.

Christy said...

That was so disturbing to watch. I had the news on all day. On my TV and computer. Very sad.

UsdailyReader said...

This is really interesting to me because my brother-in-law is flaming gay, and from what I have seen (in UT anyways) (with my gay friends & relatives) most of the gay people don't really care about proposition 8 (they just roll their eyes and joke that there will be more divorces if same-sex marriage is legalized). It is other people who are getting involved and feel like they are saving the world. Anyways, it is a really interesting situation and it will be interesting to see how it gets played out. I just hope that no more people on either side are hurt further and that there is no more destruction to the Lord's buildings.

UsdailyReader said...

P.S. That last one was Carly Y.

Bethers said...

I just watched protesters in front of the Manhattan Temple and I don't get why they are upset with Mormons in New York when it was the Hispanic and Black Californians that set the vote. This is the work of the devil. Woe unto all those that defaced the temple. Hooray for the Polynesians!

Mama Mia said...

This makes me sad to watch this...hope you have a good break...but catch us up when you return!