29 February, 2008

Blogspot hits the spot!

Although I will miss our old blog site, so far I am really having fun with and loving blogspot! Sorry if it is a little boring right now.  I hate that I am having to start all over.  It stinks that I can't archive my last years events but oh well.  It is really easy to use.  I am so happy about that because that was one of my biggest fears about making the switch.  I felt like I was comfortable with my old site and was scared it would take me awhile to adjust to the new one.  So far, so good!  Let the blogging begin! 


hub of the house said...

welcome to blogspot! We are happy to have you? do you lose the last year of postings forver or can you have that book made???

hub of the house said...

oops - we are happy to have you!!!! (exclamation, not question mark)

jayna said...

This really is the easiest way to keep an online journal of sorts- especially with funny kids! Glad you're back!

Unknown said...

summer! i'm a totally blog stalker, i sadly don't even have a blog... but i found you awhile ago through denae.

i was a big fan of the "summer blog." you were like the clean perez hilton - reading your blog kept me up on all the latest trends (sprinkles, golden spoon, etc.) AND you were my source to know when old navy were having their amazing sales. anyway, i was so sad when i day i went to visit your blog and it was private!

so, i'm thrilled to see you and your darling little family back online. hopefully this comment won't send you back into hiding. haha! :)