24 September, 2010

I LOVE having play dates at my house because nothing is better than seeing your kids be silly with their friends. Today these girls asked me to take pictures of them. They had fun doing "weird poses" as they said and giggled the whole time. I think this age is very fun. Looking at these makes me realize how old Haven is getting. Can't believe that in a few months she will be 7!
23 September, 2010

I can't believe that ALL three of my girls have brown eyes! No one on my side has brown eyes. Bryan's mom is the only one with them. Both our dad's have blue and my mom, Bryan and I all have green! I really can't get enough of this brown eyed girl though. Maybe it's because she doesn't talk back yet. Or complain about what she is wearing. Or gives us a hard time at bedtime. Or nags about having play dates EVERYDAY (can you figure out what we are trying to work on with the older two?)! I love this baby girl August.
19 September, 2010
17 September, 2010

Something truly amazing happened this summer. Lily's parents bought a house 9 doors down from us! Haven couldn't be MORE excited and neither could I! It is so fun! These girls adore each other and bring out the best in each other. They are two peas in a pod and seem to have a special bond. And MaryEllen and I seem to have plenty in common too. They are really a great family. We have loved showing them the ropes of Southern California. And I love hearing about all their Jersey stories!
Bruno Mars
12 September, 2010
11 September, 2010

Guess what GG wore when she came to visit a few weeks ago? Vintage! Vintage 90's that is! Oh Jeanners! You never surprise me with your thrift shop finds. I had this shirt back in the day as almost everyone did. It is a real gem. Red and white stripes are totally in. I just don't know about the embroidered "Guess Jeans USA" yet. You are the best and make me laugh. Even if you think it's because I am making fun of you. Guess what? You make fun of me too! XOXO
Purple Rockstars and 9-11

Haven is playing soccer again this year. I am not going to say that she didn't frustrate me today because she did. She does not try and it makes my blood boil. Especially because I played this sport growing up and love it. She got a pep talk at half time from me while Bryan stood in the distance laughing at me. She did better after that so it obviously worked. Hopefully she can improve this season. She has the cutest team. Mostly girls from last year and a cute group of her friends from school. She really has the nicest little group of girlfriends. They are so fun to watch and I look forward to them all growing up together. Before the game, the coaches had them wave flags and say the pledge of alliance in remembrance of 9-11. It was very special and touching for the parents. Crazy to think none of these girls were born yet. We look forward to a great soccer season!
Julie's baby shower

I love this girl Julie. She is my favorite Jew (We tease about that by the way. It's of no offense)! She is pregs with her 2nd and being surprised AGAIN. I have a hard time when people do this. I want to know what they are having more than they do. But it was a lovely shower with yummy lunch followed by Sprinkles cupcakes and some games. I got to see an old friend from junior high who is a mutual friend of Jules and I. It was fun to catch up and see her baby bump too! Can't wait to meet the new babes.

I LOVE traditions. They are SO much fun to look forward to! A few new traditions around here have to do with the first day of school. The first one is a group of mom's from school getting together for breakfast the first day of school to celebrate! Hip hip hooray! I love the fall and when school is back in session. The second one that we are starting with our family is a trip to D-land after school. First day= no homework and few crowds at the park. Perfect. I think the girls will really enjoy this every year. I know that I will too.

I could not be more excited about Haven's 1st grade teacher Mrs. Cunningham! Everyone has been raving about her. She is back from a year out with breast cancer and has the cutest pixie haircut (from chemo) you've ever seen! She is grateful to be back with these sweet kids and they already have fallen in love with her. Berkley feels right at home with Mrs. Shirley and she is like family to us. It feels so nice to know she is in such good, caring hands. Here is to a good school year and some easier errand time with just August and I. I am a lucky and happy mommy!
07 September, 2010
Labor Day Weekend

We went out to Palm Springs and braved the heat! 110 degrees was a killer. Good thing for fun friends, lots of pool time and some shopping. And it's always excellent eating when we are out there too! Tyler's Burgers being one of the BEST spots in town hands down! Thanks Jorgensens for sharing a memory with us. We love you guys!
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