I love her voice. She is a true talent! Adele is amazing and so is her CD!

Bryan broke my camera this past weekend. It has been replaced with this little one from Costco that is waterproof. I can't wait to use it in the pool to take pics of my kids.

And speaking of waterproof... I bought some of this eyeliner that so far has been great.

My friend started this bag line called "Native Honey" and they are SO cute. I will be carrying this one around all summer thanks to her.

Put my face where this scary guys is and this is me with my Chocolate Malted Crunch Ice Cream cone that I have about 4-5 times a week.

When your low on Iron, this seems to do the job!

My mom bought me these and I have been wearing them almost everyday and plan on wearing them all summer. They are SO comfortable!

Forever 21 dresses are about the only thing that fits and is comfortable. What would we do with out this store?

I was obsessed when I was pregnant with Berkley and am now again. Watermelon is such a refreshing treat!

I love Skype. It is my main form of communication with David and I am doing it with my sister, Amanda, Bryan and Megan (if she can figure out how to turn the sound on hers) too!

I hope to prevent stretch marks with this! I lather it on once a day.

You can only imagine my problems and why I need these this pregnancy. Enough said.

Pei Wei just hits the SPOT anytime!!!

And lastly... I will be sitting my lazy buns down here all summer as I watch the kids play and listen to the waves. The only good thing about being pregnant in the summer!

Are there things I am missing that I need to help me get through this summer/ last trimester? If so... do tell!